Thursday, March 25, 2010


I went to Monroe last weekend to visit Lee. We had a really great weekend! Saturday we went to Ruston and he showed me around the Louisiana Tech campus. I got to see where he spends most of his time at the school and I also got to see the baseball field. The baseball field is really nice and I got to meet the pitching coach who was there when Lee played. We didn't get to see a game but hopefully next time I go back we can make it for a game. We also went to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D but I slept thru some of it:) Lee kept nudging me to wake up. I like the 3D experience but it wasn't my favorite movie. I drove home Sunday in the snow, I'm hoping that is the last of the snow! I am ready for Spring and Summer to get here. This weekend we are going to meet in Tyler and stay with my parents. We are running in the Azalea Run on Saturday morning and then my Dad is cooking lots of good food for us that afternoon. And we are hoping to meet Meredith's boyfriend:)

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