Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mary C. Lawton Lifetime Service Award

The Mary C. Lawton Lifetime Service Award is designed to recognize employees who have served at least 20 years in the Department and who have demonstrated high standards of excellence and dedication throughout their careers.

My Mom is up for this award through the Office of the Deputy Attorney General. I think that we may know if she is the 'chosen one' sometime in April or May. Just a note to let you know why she deserves it.....

There isn’t much that my Mom hasn’t done when it comes to her family. As a little girl, and still today, I’ve always seen my Mom as being a strong, independent, very hard working woman. I know that I am supposed to come up with organizations that she has been involved in or part of but after thinking this through, my Mom’s biggest accomplishments in life are her family and her work. She is in a position as Victim/Witness Coordinator to use her best qualities and, at this, she thrives. She helps to calm and relax victims and witnesses that are about to take the stand (usually for the first time ever) in a Courtroom where a defendant may be sitting right in front of them. She is there, always, to make sure that they are taken care of. She is also always there for her family. As I was growing up, my Mom taught Sunday School at our church. She took me to dance lessons, recitals and was at every soccer game. She often was the glue of our family and kept us going. I can remember going to work with her during the summers and I loved it! Although my Mom worked every day during the week, we grew up with a homemade meal on the table every night. I admire my Mom for working hard, with her only goal to be better and to be noticed in a time when women rarely were. She has dedicated her life to being the best Mother to myself and my sister and to being the best wife to her husband. The achievements that she has made at work are too numerous to count. She has traveled for hearings, trials, conferences, 911 trials and more. She has conducted her own Victim Conferences as well as spoken publicly on the topic of her profession.

I know that she is not the only nominee for this award but if she is to be chosen as the Mary C. Lawton Lifetime Service Award winner, it would be going to the person that deserves it the most!

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