Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We Have Moved

Please visit our new site..........


I probably will not update this blog any longer.  Thanks for following me and I hope you come see (and follow) our new blog!

Kristen Gwaltney

Monday, October 25, 2010

It is Official

We are married! It was perfect and I will have lots of pictures and will post more later but for now here is a glimpse of 'I DO'.

And I can't leave out the TEXAS RANGERS going to the World Series! The day we got married they were still playing the Yankees and all of our wedding party took a picture doing the 'claw' (except the Best Man, who I pointed out is a Giants fan)! We love the Rangers!

Monday, September 20, 2010

26 Days....

Almost there...........

Have I told anyone that I get to marry my best friend? And that I feel like the luckiest girl around?

Well, I do.....


Exciting news in the Gwaltney/Smith household.........Lee has a JOB!!!

He started today and works for SSG (Sports Supply Group), they sell sporting equipment to schools, little leagues, government, etc. They have several divisions that sell to different areas.

So, congratulations Lee, I am so proud of you!

Caroline Julie Bane

Everyone, meet Caroline Julie Bane, 6lbs 14oz, 20". As Julie says, 'she is perfect'! Congratulations Julie and Jason..........and Happy Anniversary!

Welcome Caroline, I can't wait to meet you!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Plano Bridal Shower

Saturday was my bridal shower in Plano. Allison, Miriam and Meredith did an awesome job and I loved every minute of the shower! The decorations, food and, of course, the punch were amazing! Thank you for loving me and doing so much for me!

I like this picture of mine and Allison's face, listening to Amy tell a story:)

Allison, Amanda and Miriam (yeah for Miriam's dress!)

Mom, her co-worker Lisa and Barbara

Miriam, Ronna, Amy, Meredith and I eating - another great facial expression for me!

Meredith, Aunt Janie, Mom and Lisa - I think we were about to open presents.

I love this picture of Amanda, she looks mischievous:)

Mom and I after the shower.

Miriam and I - really good picture!

The hostesses - Allison, Miriam and Meredith (and me).

Allison, Amanda and I

Miriam and Allison.

The dessert table - looks so good!

More dessert.....they have G's on them for the future Mrs. Gwaltney:)

Labor Day Weekend

Lee and I were invited to the lake with friends over Labor Day weekend. We went that Sunday and watched the madness all around party cove:) I got a couple of pictures but not enough of all the crazy people out there!

Bobby, Lee and Tommy going for a float.

Allison and I held our own on the boat.

Lee and I - but the best is the women behind us floating with 'blow up dolls'! Look closely, back left:)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On Another Note

I have a link to the side of my blog, 'Pray for Keith Beasley', and I wrote something on my blog about him quite a while back. He was in Austin for a Bachelor Party in April of 2009. He fell several stories from a parking garage and ended up alive but barely functioning. He never 'woke up' but his body functioned enough to stay at a hospital and eventually a skilled nursing home that could care for him. His wife was pregnant with their first child when the accident happened and she gave birth to their son in May of 2009. Brooks is a little over a year old now. Keith and his wife, Judy, both graduated from Texas Tech but I did not know them while I was at school. I have just kept up with Keith's progress thru his wife's postings on CaringBridge, etc. Judy has an amazing relationship with our Lord and to think about what she was going thru and to read her posts really helped my walk with the Lord at times. I really have no idea what it feels like to watch your 32 year old husband lay in a hospital and then a nursing home, barely functioning, while you raise your son that will never really know his Dad? I imagine that it is probably excruciating at times and hard to rely on God and believe that He is in control. But Judy always did believe and always seemed to recognize that He was the one in charge and that He knew what the outcome would be, whether Keith lived or went home to Heaven. Saying that, I read on their blog that Saturday morning Keith went home to be with the Lord. Even a year and a half later, it is hard to hear that he will never meet his son here on Earth. If you have a minute, prayers for the family would be wonderful.

The link to their CaringBridge site is still on the right side of my blog if you feel interested in reading some of the things that she wrote.

Bachelor Party....San Francisco

Lee went out to San Francisco for his Bachelor Party/Weekend. He has some great friends there that planned the weekend out and I'm pretty sure he had a fabulous time!! They went to a Giants game, they toured the Anchor Steam Brewery and then went out pretty big Saturday night. He took some pictures but not very many. I posted the ones he took below.

This is Zac and his dog Lola. Zac's wife is due with their first child the weekend we are getting married:)

View from his deck.

Lee said this house was amazing, 3 stories and this is a view from the deck to the backyard.

Backyard again.

Tobey, relaxing on the patio.

Lee's best man, Beau.

Saturday night before heading out.

Beau and his beanie.

View of the city - beautiful!


Raul played baseball with Lee in Mexico last summer. Now he is playing for an independant team in Wichita, KS. The same league that the Ft. Worth Cats are in. Anyway, he was in town last week playing against the Cats, so Lee and I went to the game and then took him out after for a couple of drinks. We had a great time catching up with him and finding out how life is treating him now.

Lee, myself and Raul

Lee and Raul

Lily's New Treats

She loves pig ears....

Here she is enjoying her treat.

Monday, August 16, 2010

2 Months

I haven't posted in a while and actually caught everyone up on the life of Kristen and Lee.......and Lily!

Can you believe it? 2 months until the wedding! We have had my bachelorette party, a bridal shower in Tyler, lots of wedding dress fittings, etc. Lee is going to San Francisco in a couple of weekends to celebrate his bachelor party! Woohoo, he is going to have a fabulous time! The invitations are going out soon. Everything is just coming together really great! Lee gave in and let me put up all of our new dishes and everything we have gotten so far! I was in heaven:) The stack of empty boxes almost reached our ceiling and it took us several trips to get them all out to the trash.

Non wedding stuff:

Lee has signed up for the Civil Service Exam on Sept. 8th with the Arlington Fire Dept.. This is exciting and becoming a fireman is a long process but I hope that it works out because I think Lee would be perfect at this job! Cross your fingers and I'll update you once we hear something.

We have been busy lately, alot of it is wedding stuff but also going to lots of Rangers games. It is really fun to watch the Rangers right now! I can't wait until the playoffs. College football is about to start! My favorite season of the year:) It always brings better weather too!

Speaking of weather, it is miserable out. We haven't taken Lily to the dog park in a long time because it is just too hot. Her tongue starts hanging out when we take her downstairs to go potty:)

I guess that is it for now. Until next time.....

Tyler Bridal Shower

I went to Tyler last weekend for a Bridal Shower and it was outstanding! Lee and I are so blessed and we got SO much stuff. My Grandmother (Missy) made it to Tyler for the shower, this was such a nice surprise. So many people were able to attend and overall it was a great success! The hostesses did an amazing job with the food, decorations, punch, flowers, etc. Thanks to the hostesses for everything!

The table covered with yummy food!

My Missy, Mom and Meredith

Missy, Mom and myself

The cake was so good!

Jamie, me and Meredith (I used to babysit Jamie and now she and Mer are both 22!)

All of the hostesses (from left): Martha, Sharron, Susan, Peggy, JoAnn and Nancy.

Great family picture (from left): Aunt Janie, Aunt Judy, Missy, Mom, Mer and I.

The cake was chocolate and vanilla!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Even More Pictures from the Weekend

I do not have these pictures in order but they are from Stephanie and Amy. Everybody did so great taking pictures! I love them all!

Stephanie and I at Glass Cactus Saturday night.

I think I was singing to Meredith in this picture:)

We are all singing in this one.

This was my first shot (I only did 2) but Miriam made me do this shot of Patron.....ugh!

Gross, I couldn't finish it.
So, Miriam finished it for me:)

Oooohhh.....that tasted terrible!

Ronna and Amy

Another great picture of Ronna and Amy

Everyone at the pool, so fun!

My gift from Miriam! Awesome!

Miriam, Allison and I - good picture!

Gretchen and I before the lingerie shower.

Stephanie and Amy on the shuttle to Glass Cactus. Yes, on the way there, we weren't done yet!

I'm not sure what we were doing but I like the picture!

Dinner Saturday night.

Another good picture from dinner Saturday night.

I like this picture too, all of us on the dance floor.

Look at the man in the back, waving to Stephanie:) And then Ronna is gettin down!

Booty picture - Lee will appreciate this picture:)

Amy and I at Glass Cactus.

Allison giving the sign.......