Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On Another Note

I have a link to the side of my blog, 'Pray for Keith Beasley', and I wrote something on my blog about him quite a while back. He was in Austin for a Bachelor Party in April of 2009. He fell several stories from a parking garage and ended up alive but barely functioning. He never 'woke up' but his body functioned enough to stay at a hospital and eventually a skilled nursing home that could care for him. His wife was pregnant with their first child when the accident happened and she gave birth to their son in May of 2009. Brooks is a little over a year old now. Keith and his wife, Judy, both graduated from Texas Tech but I did not know them while I was at school. I have just kept up with Keith's progress thru his wife's postings on CaringBridge, etc. Judy has an amazing relationship with our Lord and to think about what she was going thru and to read her posts really helped my walk with the Lord at times. I really have no idea what it feels like to watch your 32 year old husband lay in a hospital and then a nursing home, barely functioning, while you raise your son that will never really know his Dad? I imagine that it is probably excruciating at times and hard to rely on God and believe that He is in control. But Judy always did believe and always seemed to recognize that He was the one in charge and that He knew what the outcome would be, whether Keith lived or went home to Heaven. Saying that, I read on their blog that Saturday morning Keith went home to be with the Lord. Even a year and a half later, it is hard to hear that he will never meet his son here on Earth. If you have a minute, prayers for the family would be wonderful.

The link to their CaringBridge site is still on the right side of my blog if you feel interested in reading some of the things that she wrote.

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