Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bachelor Party....San Francisco

Lee went out to San Francisco for his Bachelor Party/Weekend. He has some great friends there that planned the weekend out and I'm pretty sure he had a fabulous time!! They went to a Giants game, they toured the Anchor Steam Brewery and then went out pretty big Saturday night. He took some pictures but not very many. I posted the ones he took below.

This is Zac and his dog Lola. Zac's wife is due with their first child the weekend we are getting married:)

View from his deck.

Lee said this house was amazing, 3 stories and this is a view from the deck to the backyard.

Backyard again.

Tobey, relaxing on the patio.

Lee's best man, Beau.

Saturday night before heading out.

Beau and his beanie.

View of the city - beautiful!

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