Monday, August 16, 2010

2 Months

I haven't posted in a while and actually caught everyone up on the life of Kristen and Lee.......and Lily!

Can you believe it? 2 months until the wedding! We have had my bachelorette party, a bridal shower in Tyler, lots of wedding dress fittings, etc. Lee is going to San Francisco in a couple of weekends to celebrate his bachelor party! Woohoo, he is going to have a fabulous time! The invitations are going out soon. Everything is just coming together really great! Lee gave in and let me put up all of our new dishes and everything we have gotten so far! I was in heaven:) The stack of empty boxes almost reached our ceiling and it took us several trips to get them all out to the trash.

Non wedding stuff:

Lee has signed up for the Civil Service Exam on Sept. 8th with the Arlington Fire Dept.. This is exciting and becoming a fireman is a long process but I hope that it works out because I think Lee would be perfect at this job! Cross your fingers and I'll update you once we hear something.

We have been busy lately, alot of it is wedding stuff but also going to lots of Rangers games. It is really fun to watch the Rangers right now! I can't wait until the playoffs. College football is about to start! My favorite season of the year:) It always brings better weather too!

Speaking of weather, it is miserable out. We haven't taken Lily to the dog park in a long time because it is just too hot. Her tongue starts hanging out when we take her downstairs to go potty:)

I guess that is it for now. Until next time.....


Stephanie said...

Got your invitation it! When I got it, I was like - Oh my gosh, it's almost here!

Amy Pawlak said...

I agree.. it was really exciting to get it in the mail!! Congrats to Lee on Fireman school!!